Materials in this portfolio were originally presented in the 2021 Adobe Creative Campus Faculty Development Institute (June, 2021) and have been shared with permission from the Faculty Developers/Workshop Leaders (Shauna Chung, Eric Cornish, Karen Freberg, Jennie Goforth, Justin Hodgson, Jan Holmevik, Stephen Marshall, and Todd Taylor).
Academy Goals
The overarching goal of UNM's Adobe Creative Campus program and this self-paced Design Institute for Instructors is to support instructors in their mission to TRANSFORM teaching and learning. As we work together to advance pedagogies and programs that promote student success, our key focus will be to create "Engaging Education for All: Digital Literacy and Creativity across Learning Spaces, Modalities, and Disciplines."
This Design Institute for Instructors provides participants with a number of online workshop/tutorials that are designed to leverage the power of the Adobe Creative Cloud by supporting student digital literacy and developing today's most in-demand workplace skills (5 Cs: Creative problem solving, multimodal Communication, Critical thinking, productive Collaboration, and Career readiness).
Academy Outcomes
At the completion of this self-paced Instructor Design Institute, instructors will be able to:
1. CREATE innovative course components intended to help students develop digital literacy skills
2. PLAN complementary strategies to help support students when asking them to work with new Adobe applications
Support During the Academy
Kimberly A. Fournier, Ph.D.; Director of Teaching Support at CTL
Kimberly A. Fournier received her Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Athletic Training from Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. She went on to earn a Master of Human Kinetics (M.H.K.) in Biomechanics from the University of Windsor in Windsor, Ontario, Canada and a Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Biomechanics from the University of Florida.
As a tenure track professor, Dr. Fournier has taught small and large classes (250+ students) in STEM at the undergraduate level as well as graduate level seminars. She has experience implementing numerous pedagogical techniques aimed at promoting meaningful learning (active and collaborative learning strategies), belonging (inclusive and equitable learning strategies), and innovatively assessing student learning. Her work in the classroom has been presented at national scientific conferences, at invited workshops for national institutes and societies, and in peer-reviewed journals that focus on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).
Dr. Fournier joined UNM's Center for Teaching and Learning in June 2018 and now serves as the Director for Teaching Support at CTL with an emphasis on Face-to-Face teaching (including web-enhanced and remote synchronous). She facilitates workshops and consults with faculty, lecturers, and teaching assistants on evidence-based teaching techniques for improved student success.
Want to talk through some of your ideas? Please use the following link to schedule a meeting time that is convenient for you; I am happy to brainstorm with you!