Designing Digital Portfolios using Adobe Portfolio
In this workshop, Todd Taylor focuses on "Career Branding" and creating digital portfolios using Adobe Portfolio.  The tutorial offers "hands-on" practice with 10 basic step/skills for novices (1. File management, 2. Using Portfolio themes, 3. Navigating the Portfolio workspace, 4. Adding and formatting Portfolio pages, 5. Managing Portfolio pages, 6. Editing headers, 7. Adding simple elements, 8. Adding complex media elements, 9. Creating a Welcome Page, and 10. Creating multiple galleries). 
NOTE:  While this tutorial uses Portfolio to showcase "career branding"…it walks the user through all the necessary basics of creating a digital story using multi-media.
Tutorial Media Assets

To follow along, step-by-step with the tutorial, use the following link to download the media assets used.
Tutorial_Video Version
Tutorial_Spark Version

Prefer not to have to pause and rewind a video?  Use the following link to access the Spark page version of the tutorial.  NOTE: there are many additional helpful resources available in this Spark page.
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